About CASARA Ontario

CASARA Ontario was officially formed in 1982 is a not-for-profit corporation, later to join the CASARA Association when it formed in 1986. The aim, objective, and purpose of CASARA Ontario is to provide an organized and trained group of volunteers to aid and assist the Department of National Defence in the conduct of Search and Rescue, and in the promotion of awareness of the Search and Rescue System to the Ontario public. CASARA is requested to provide this assistance by virtue of a Memorandum of Understanding and a Contribution Agreement with each government department.

CASARA Ontario is sponsored by the Department of National Defence who provide:

  • Training in fields such as SAR Awareness, meteorology, survival awareness and search techniques and procedures.

In return, CASARA Ontario:

  • Participates in SAR awareness and search and rescue training programs;

  • Provides air search support services;

  • Provides suitable aircraft;

  • Provides highly trained, safety-conscious crews to fly as pilots, navigators, and spotters on association aircraft and as spotters on Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft as required;

  • Provides an insurance package including personal accident and liability coverage;

  • Provides extended medical/dental insurance coverage for CASARA members performing their duties on behalf of CASARA;

  • Provides administrative support;

  • Provides reimbursement for aircraft operating expenses based on aircraft type and local fuel costs;

  • Provides reimbursement for reasonable expenses that members may incur.

  • You will benefit from participation in CASARA Ontario by receiving training from professionals that could improve your level of airmanship, and which will give you the ability to safely and effectively provide assistance to people in distress.